Welcome to crlcroisiere
The home of Prayer Cruises under the vision of the Christian 

organization “Christ Awakening and Liberation” (CRL).

“CRL” is a Christian, apostolic, evangelical, prophetic, and humanitarian organization based in Sweden, under the vision of the prophet Jean Luc Kamani. Our non-profit organization is founded on the Christian faith with the Bible as our source of inspiration. Prophet Jean Luc Kamani shares his teachings online through his YouTube channel called “The Miracle Truth,” reaching members scattered across the world, including Europe, Asia, Africa, America, and Oceania.

Inspiration for the Prayer Cruise

In February 2020, during a day of prayer in Amsterdam, the Spirit of God manifested to Prophet Jean Luc Kamani, urging him to unite the world in prayer and communion around the Word of God. This is how the idea of our prayer cruise was born. Subsequently, a close associate of the prophet suggested combining this spiritual activity with a tourist experience and a fellowship banquet.
